Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Billy Rolled Over...and Other News

Hey, gang! Today was an important day in Billy's milestones... He rolled over onto his tummy for the very first time this morning! Good Job Billy!

Although I missed the 'moment' with the camera, you can see him trying by viewing the video below or see it directly at YouTube...

Billy has been been pretty serious about rolling onto his stomach ever since we moved him from his bassinet into his crib (another important milestone!) on Sunday night. Over the weekend, we'd gone down to Ohio to visit Grandma Peggy and to meet the rest of his aunts & uncles - Jer's family was having a mini-reunion. It was completely fun, and completely chaotic with all the Bonfiglio siblings and their kids in one place! Billy seemed to enjoy every minute of it, too.

He got to meet his Uncle Joel and cousins Nicole and Jana for the first time, as well as Aunt Jill, Uncle Dave, and cousins Jordan and Dustin. He also watched as Uncle Joel took Grandma Peggy 4-wheeling!

While at Grandma's, Billy slept in a crib, so we thought that when we got home it would be the perfect opportunity to get him out of his bassinet. Although Mommy was terrified and teary-eyed about letting him sleep all by himself in his own room, Billy settled down for bed like he'd been sleeping in his crib for years... but, unbeknownst to to him, Mommy sat up for a lon
g time listening to every peep he made on the baby monitor! And Billy made a lot of noise as he rolled around and fussed in his sleep, as well as his more concerted efforts of turning over. Usually whenever Mommy or Daddy came in to check on him or pick him up, he was sprawled out in all kinds of crazy positions on the mattress.

Billy's also learning to play on his own, thanks to an Exersaucer Grandma Peggy had! Billy's technically too little for the Exersaucer, but he took to it immediately! He stretched out his legs and spun round and round, rubbing his little hands on the yellow tray top and trying to pick up the toys we put in front of him.

He enjoyed it so much, we went out and bought him his own Exersaucer as soon as we got back home. The one we bought is for babies 4 months or older, so, at 3 months, Billy's a little bit too small for it yet. He couldn't sit in it properly. But when w
e sat him backwards in it, so he was standing and leaning on the backrest to support himself, he had a great time! Of course, he gets tired after about 5 minutes or so, but while he's in the Exersaucer, he learns valuable skills, like bearing weight on his legs, and hand-eye coordination as he tries to grasp and play with all the toys on the tray top!

That's all for this blog update - We hope everyone is having a great summer so far!


Karyn, Jeremy & Billy