Sunday, September 9, 2007

Labor Day Visit!

Hey, gang!

Billy's now 4.5 months old. He had his 4 month pediatrician's visit, and he weighed 16 pounds, 11 ounces! That puts him in the 90th percentile for his weight. And he's now shot up to the 95th percentile for his height! He's quickly outgrowing his 3 to 6 month clothing, and will probably be in 6 months in a couple weeks.

Billy had his second round of vaccinations, and was a little trooper. He only cried when the shots were going in and stopped crying quickly as soon as it was over. Billy lost a lot of the hair he was born with, and what is growing in is a lighter brown color. Some days it looks red, somedays blonde. Daddy and Mommy are really curious to see what color it ends up.

Over the Labor Day weekend, Billy's Auntie Kris and Elm came to the Bend for a quick visit! Billy really enjoyed the company, and smiled and squealed a lot. He really liked being held by Auntie Kris, and thought Elm was a pretty funny guy. Here you can see how big Billy looks next to his "wee" Auntie:

On Labor Day we all went to the Studebaker National Museum in South Bend. The museum traces the Studebaker legacy, from the company's earliest days as a blacksmith shop (which opened in 1852 in downtown South Bend) to the 1960's, when the company was making the famous Avanti sports cars. Elm in particular enjoyed the museum; especially when he got to check out the Studebaker Hawk - a car he thought was really cool when he was a little boy collecting car magazines in the fifties.

Billy enjoyed looking around, but got hungry halfway through the first gallery. While Auntie Kris and Elm looked at the cars from the 1930s - 1940s, Mommy and Daddy ducked into the museum's coat closet for a quick nursing! Luckily it was summer time, and no one needed to wear a coat that day. Billy slept through the rest of the museum.

Here's some more touristy shots:

Finally, Billy has discovered his toes! He loves to play with them, and now, every time Mommy changes him, he tries to stuff them in his mouth and suck on them. He takes this whole business of sucking his toes very seriously.

That's it for this blog update!

All our love,

Karyn, Jeremy and Billy