Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Big Halloween & First Veggies Update!

Hi, gang! It's been a while since I updated the blog, so I have quite a lot of ground to cover, including Halloween and some Billy milestones: his first foray into the world of veggies and sippy cups!

As some of you already know, Billy was a monkey for his very first Halloween! He was a very good sport as Daddy dressed him up and took him around our neighborhood Trick or Treating. In these photos you can see Daddy in one of the Halloween t-shirts Mommy designed for her online store. And the trick or treat tote bag is also one of Mommy's designs. Below are some closeups and all of Billy's "loot."

This month, Billy turned 6 months, and he got the O.K. from the pediatrician to start adding veggies to his diet. The first one we tried was peas. He was willing at first - until he got that first taste! After only a couple of bites, he threw up all over mommy (We think he gagged on the spoon...oh dear, that's close to a bad 80s reference, isn't it?).

We tried again the next day (notice the different bib?) but still, Billy still turned his nose up at the yummy goodness of peas. His daddy, who is a meat and potatoes guy all the way, walked around looking smug for the next couple of days. So we tried him on carrots next... Billy thought they were pretty yucky too. Now, however, Billy's expanding his palate, and will tolerate sweet potatoes. And he will choke down applesauce and bananas...but he makes a face with every swallow.

Below are photos of Billy trying his first sippy cup of water! He wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first. He enjoyed licking it. And banging it. But after a while he grabbed it and started chewing on the spout. He seemed surprised every time water came out of it!

Finally, Grandpa Bill and Grandma Dar sent Billy a surprise Thanksgiving present! Billy really had fun opening his first gift-wrapped box. He even tried to eat the wrapping paper!

Despite a bit of itchy eczema in his elbow joints and ankles, Billy is doing really well. He's even started to crawl, and can stand up by himself if he's holding on to something!

The other news is that we bought a webcam and can now do live video chats with anyone how has the technology - and Windows Live Messenger. Granny Lyn was our first guinea pig and successfully chatted away with Billy. If anyone wants to get in on the act, send me an e-mail, and we'll hook up.

We hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving!


Karyn, Jeremy & Billy