Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Photos from Summer 2009

It's already mid-August, and the summer just flew by. Billy got to check out Antiques on the Bluff in St. Joseph MI for Mommy's birthday, and Grandpa (aka: Pa-Pa), visited a couple weeks later. Billy's hair got clipper cut for the first time (which he hated), and he fell and split open his lip for the first time too (Ouch!).

Thanks to "Word World" and "Super Why" Billy can now spell a few words like, apple, bike, dragon, Billy and pillow. He can count up to 30 and is still obsessed with the alphabet.

Please see all the rest of the SUMMER 2009 photos in my Facebook album.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Mother's Day and Memorial Day 2009

Billy got to go see his Grandma Peggy and Uncle Joel and Aunt Patti in Ohio for Mother's Day. Please check out all his Mother's Day Photos on Facebook.

We were all awoken on Memorial Day morning by a marching band, sirens and all kinds of crazy noise. Jeremy went to investigate. Apparently it was the The West Side Memorial Day Parade which started at 8:15 a.m. and was happening along the street behind our house. We quickly grabbed the stroller and headed over to see what all the fuss was about. Billy wasn't sure of the noise at first. Especially when the firetrucks all went by blaring their sirens! But the horses were cool.

Our May weather has been fantastic, and Billy's been enjoying time outside, especially with his new chalk:

He loves to 'draw' colors and make us draw the alphabet. He's also been going on walks to the store and library and is loving it.

You can see more Chalk and Memorial Day photos on Facebook.

Happy Memorial Day, everyone!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Billy Turns Two!

Yesterday was Billy's birthday. He officially turned two and we're already feeling the 'terrible' part. But he's also getting funner.

His dairy, egg and nut allergies are still in full swing, so we had to order him a special dairy-and-egg-free birthday cake, which was surprisingly tasty. However, Billy disagrees. Watch him tasting it here, or click on the video below:

We snapped a few photos of cake and presents. Please check them out at the link below. It's my Facebook album, but you don't have to be a FB member to access it. At least, you shouldn't. If you have any trouble, let me know!

Billys Birthday Photos

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Christmas Presents & Other Photos

Now that it's February, I guess I better get around to updating the blog! I have been meaning to upload these Christmas pictures for quite some time. I apologize I didn't get to it sooner.

Billy had a great Christmas with His Granny Lyn and got lots of cool stuff! Here's a few photos from the big day, which we wouldn't have if it hadn't been for Granny Lyn... I bought the wrong kind of camera memory card and didn't realize it until Christmas morning!

And here's a few candids from December and January:

Billy just turned 21 months on January 26. He's goofy as ever and finally cutting three new teeth! He's going back to storytime at the county library, and so far he's having a hard time adjusting to all the noisy kids. He's excited until about halfway through and then he just wants to get the heck out of there.

Look for some Valentine's updates from us. Hope everyone is well,

Karyn, Jeremy & Billy

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Santa & Billy December 2008

Happy Holiday Season, everyone! Billy had his photo taken at the Mall with Santa today. Going to see Santa on a Wednesday afternoon was an outstanding idea -- there was absolutely no line at all! Billy wasn't exactly sure about seeing Santa. He sat on his lap without a fuss, but we couldn't coax a smile out of him and he was more than ready to get down.

We'll post more photos for Christmas, when Granny Lyn travels to the Bend to celebrate with us. Until then, Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Halloween 2008

Here's Billy getting ready for Halloween, 2008!

This year, we paid homage to Daddy's love of Smallville & all things Superman. Billy was styling in his very own Superman costume. He wasn't too sure about the licorice candy that he tried, and he was "Meh" to the trick or treating.

What he really loved? Standing on our front porch and being the candy ambassador! He was completely thrilled to give out the Halloween candy to all the other trick-or-treaters. We snapped a few photos of him in his official candy-greeter duties.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Long Time No Update

Billy's a boy on the move!

Holy Hand Grenades, Batman, has it really been 5 whole months since I updated Billy's Blog? I guess it has. (So to make up for it, I'm back-posting a few things. Please check out the archives for September and August...)

Life and toddler-hood got in the way of my blogging duties, but with the holiday season ramping up, expect us to update the blog with lots of new Billy goodness.

Billy just turned 17 months old. Lots has happened since he turned a year old. We found out that he has dairy, egg and peanut allergies. Which makes meal times and shopping a challenge.

Billy finally decided he could walk at 16 months, and he's working on cutting 4 molars all at once. Like his parents, he does everything the hard way!

Now that Billy's a pro walker, we bought him a little monkey harness, and go out and explore. He is extremely opinionated about where he wants to go, and several tantrums ensue, but for the most part, he's been digging his newfound freedom. Here he is on one of his recent excursions. He looks like a little Hobbit! And he thought walking with sticks was really cool!

Billy is learning to scribble, and here he is with his first chalk-on-the-sidewalk experience:

Lastly, we went to the library yesterday, and Billy really enjoyed reading all the board books.

He also kept walking around pointing to the big "A" and other letters on the book carousel. His favorite thing in the world right now is learning his numbers and letters, and he's even able to recognize and say a few of them, including "A", "buh" for "B". He can identify and say "T, " "E" and "F".

By the way, Billy was super stylin' at the library in his little Fighting Irish Notre Dame jersey. Thanks to "Uncle" John, Billy fits in perfectly in South Bend during college football mania.