Thursday, October 2, 2008

Long Time No Update

Billy's a boy on the move!

Holy Hand Grenades, Batman, has it really been 5 whole months since I updated Billy's Blog? I guess it has. (So to make up for it, I'm back-posting a few things. Please check out the archives for September and August...)

Life and toddler-hood got in the way of my blogging duties, but with the holiday season ramping up, expect us to update the blog with lots of new Billy goodness.

Billy just turned 17 months old. Lots has happened since he turned a year old. We found out that he has dairy, egg and peanut allergies. Which makes meal times and shopping a challenge.

Billy finally decided he could walk at 16 months, and he's working on cutting 4 molars all at once. Like his parents, he does everything the hard way!

Now that Billy's a pro walker, we bought him a little monkey harness, and go out and explore. He is extremely opinionated about where he wants to go, and several tantrums ensue, but for the most part, he's been digging his newfound freedom. Here he is on one of his recent excursions. He looks like a little Hobbit! And he thought walking with sticks was really cool!

Billy is learning to scribble, and here he is with his first chalk-on-the-sidewalk experience:

Lastly, we went to the library yesterday, and Billy really enjoyed reading all the board books.

He also kept walking around pointing to the big "A" and other letters on the book carousel. His favorite thing in the world right now is learning his numbers and letters, and he's even able to recognize and say a few of them, including "A", "buh" for "B". He can identify and say "T, " "E" and "F".

By the way, Billy was super stylin' at the library in his little Fighting Irish Notre Dame jersey. Thanks to "Uncle" John, Billy fits in perfectly in South Bend during college football mania.