Saturday, June 16, 2007

Seven Weeks Old & New Swag!

Billy turned seven weeks old on Thursday. Apart from his gassy issues, the biggest news with Billy is that he's finally starting to smile socially! He smiles more and more every day, at his mommy and daddy, at himself in the mirror, in his sleep. So far, I haven't been able to really capture his full-on grins on camera yet - he's always wiggling around, the little monkey!

<-- He's really starting to chunk out and gain weight. We wont know how much he weighs until his pediatrician appointment at the end of the month. He's got two new nicknames: "Chunky Monkey" and "Meatball."

Although Billy's been cooing for the last couple of weeks, in the last couple of days he's really ramped it up. Now he coos at us like he's trying to talk back or tell us about his day. Pretty darn cute.

On Thursday, Billy's personalized, genuine Louisville Slugger bat finally arrived! We'd ordered this when Billy was just three days old, the same time we ordered his birth announcements. Not only is it an adorable memento of his birth date & weight, daddy can use the bat to clobber intruders. We'll just have to make sure that Billy doesn't use it to clobber himself, any of the animals, or his parents.

Today we went to Baby's R Us to stock up on diapers and other supplies, and Billy got some new gear to play with. We bought a Boppy pillow to use for feedings and for "Tummy Time" exercises. Billy's not too sure if he likes the Boppy yet, but he really likes looking at himself in the mirror! At the store he was cooing and smiling at himself so much when we showed him the mirror, we couldn't resist buying it for him! He also got a colorful new rattle. He's becoming more interested in things around him, and mommy's been trying to find new and interesting ways to stimulate his little brain.

That's all for this week! As soon as we capture some of those big goofy grins on camera, we'll update again!


Karyn, Jeremy & Billy