Monday, April 28, 2008

Billy's FIRST Birthday!

Our little baby is all grows up...

Billy turned one year old on Saturday. We were supposed to go to the zoo to celebrate, but all three of us had colds, so we hung around the house and did the cake thing, and opened presents. Billy loved smashing his cake and was all hopped up on sugar all day long!

Here's a video of Billy with his cake.

Billy holds his hands to his head when we say, "Oh my gosh!" (Remember to click on the photos to see them enlarged!)

As you can see, Billy really enjoyed mushing up his cake. He didn't do too much eating. Mostly mushing. And here's more close-ups of the cake madness.

Billy got lots of toys for his birthday, and several cute outfits! Thanks to everyone who sent him gifts. Billy loves you! Here's some photos of Billy playing with his 'haul'.

Lastly, a few more of Billy opening his presents:

Billy is expecting visitors next week -- he gets to see his Grandpa Bill and Grandma Dar! -- so look for another blog update soon!


Karyn, Jeremy & Billy